Submit a request

DB Bahn.Business (General Agreement for rail)

In order to be able to use your general agreements for rail with Lanes & Planes, please provide us with your BMIS* ( number.


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If you do not yet have a BMIS number or have only used the Deutsche Bahn corporate customer portal ( for your bookings in the past, please follow the steps below:

  2. On page 1, complete the “Company details” and “Details of contact person in the company (not travel-agency)” in accordance with the requirements
  3. Confirm the GTCs and use of third-party booking systemBildschirmfoto 2025-01-21 um 15.34.18.png
  4. On page 2, select “BTM mit Anbindung an die PST/NVS-Schnittstelle” (option 2)
  5. Select “Lanes & Planes” in the selection list
  6. Confirm the GTCs again
  7. Send requestBildschirmfoto 2025-01-21 um 15.34.29.png

8. Please give your contact person at Lanes & Planes the BMIS number

You will receive a response from Deutsche Bahn within approx. 5 working days.


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