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Train: Loyalty & Discount Cards

If your BahnBonus number does not match the number of your BahnCard, please have them linked or converted into one number by the service team of Deutsche Bahn (service number: 030 2970).

The reason is that Deutsche Bahn accepts only one number on both and Lanes & Planes.

If you do not wish to merge your BahnBonus number and your BahnCard, you can deposit the cards as follows:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-04 um 16.54.55.png(BahnBonus number will be fully stored; BahnCard number will be left empty)

Please note that the order (first DB BahnBonus and then DB BahnCard) must be adhered to.


Provisional BahnCard:

You also have the option of store a provisional BahnCard.

To do this, select the relevant card and leave the field for the card number and the validity date blank. Then click on "Add". As soon as you have received your full BahnCard, you can add this data.

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