What does the DATEV connection mean for you?
- No manual booking of receipts leads to significant time savings.
- Reduction of error potential.
- No assignment of general ledger accounts, creditors, and tax or booking keys.
- Predefined booking texts.
- DATEV-compliant file format.
You will automatically receive and pre-accounted:
- All invoiced trips.
- All expense reports, including the associated creditor accounts of the originators.
How does the DATEV connection work?
At the beginning, we ask you for all the accounting master data necessary for the booking batch: General ledger accounts, clients, advisor numbers, Lanes & Planes creditors, booking keys, etc.
Once we have received the master data, we can initiate the creation of the file format based on this data. As soon as the master data is set up and bookings are available, we will provide you with a test file!
If you successfully import the booking batch into DATEV Accounting, we will send you the CSV export weekly, always on Mondays. This contains all billed services created in the previous week (Monday to Sunday).
How does the document linking work?
For document linking or document archiving, we recommend that customers using DATEV Accounting use the DATEV software "ISWL Beleg2Buchung".
With Beleg2Buchung, individual booking processes can be linked with the associated document files. For this, you need access to "ISWL Beleg2Buchung", the weekly CSV file, and the ZIP folder of the corresponding document files. Please note that this can be downloaded via the Lanes & Planes accounting overview (the period of the document date must always correspond to the respective billing week).
Once you have all of this, you can follow the process described step-by-step in the following video. If you prefer or need a written process documentation, you can request it via accounting@lanes-planes.com.
For further questions please contact our accounting-team:
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