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Lanes & Planes app

Business trips were never easier!

All Data for your trips are only a few clicks away and clearly managed in our Lanes & Planes app, your personal travel companion.

All your travel documents will be sent to you via push message and important links can be inserted directly into the app.

No crowds of papers anymore and finding all tickets within one click!

In addition, you now have the possibility to photograph your travel receipts and save them in your travel profile at the same time. Stored in your ticket wallet and reachable at any time.

Due to the permanent synchrony between desktop and app, all your Data is saved in one spot, and you have always access to all your travel documents.

This all-in-one business travel solution provides you with a gapless transfer between ticket and receipt management.

You can download the Lanes & Planes app here:




System requirement:

Apple - iOS 11.0 or higher

Android - version 5.0 or higher

Huawei - all popular devices with HUAWEI AppGallery


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