Should you wish to add an expense receipt to a booked journey or save this expense receipt in advance in our Lanes & Planes Mobile App, you can simply use our automatic scan.
The app will capture the receipt and automatically cut it out.
To do this, go to "Receipts" and open the area for scanning via the "+" symbol.
If you are not satisfied with the scan, you can always rerun it or manually adjust the frame.
As soon as you are satisfied with the scan, it will be saved in your "My Receipts" area under "Scans". It is, of course, possible to assign it to the correct journey at a later point.
To facilitate successful auto scanning, please note the following two pieces of advice:
1) Make sure that the receipt document is fully unfolded, lies flat on the surface and all 4 corners of the document are visible
2) Make sure that the background offers a good contrast (e.g. a white document on a monochrome, dark background)
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