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QBR - Quarterly Business Review - detailed business travel analysis

We will be happy to provide you with a detailed analysis in the form of a Quarterly Business Review (QBR) of your previously booked travel services.

Among other things, this reporting includes:

  • Top metrics (total spend per quarter, product and invoice profile)
  • Flight spend (by region, airline, travel class, itinerary)
  • Hotel spend (top hotels, top cities, including cost and number of nights)
  • CO2 emissions (per quarter and product)

You can find an example evaluation at the end of this article.

We are also happy to provide you with the evaluation in a flexible cycle (quarter, half-year, full year). Especially for your contract negotiations with airlines and hotels, the evaluations and statistics are a great help. They also give you a detailed insight into your company's travel behavior.

Are you interested in a detailed business travel analysis? Then please get in touch with your personal Account Manager at


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