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Accounting with preliminary check

If you are using the Lanes & Planes tool to manage your receipts and you are working with a pre-check for your accounting process, you can also do this with Lanes & Planes.

To do this, go to the Reconciliation tab in your Company Account. 

You will then be able to review your outstanding expenses. Furthermore, you can display whether a document has already been pre-checked by a colleague in the "Prechecked" filter at the top of the page.

To check a receipt that has been added to a specific travel booking, click on a booking and on the blue tab on the right.

In the reconciliation tab, the receipt is displayed again and you can view it in detail and correct it if necessary. If you are working with a 4-eyes principle and the receipt is to be checked again by a colleague, you can use the Pre-checked field.

If you click on this field, your colleagues will be shown that the document has already been checked when it is reviewed again. 

After the preliminary check, the final document check takes place. The relevant document is checked again by another employee and then approved or rejected in the 'Reconciliation' field.


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