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How to cancel or rebook a flight?

If you want to cancel or rebook a flight, go to the booking, which you would like to cancel. 

You will find your booking by clicking on "Booking and tickets" and then you select the journey by clicking on "View". 

You can either select one part of the trip or request a refund for the whole trip: 


After clicking on "change" this following window will open up: 



Here you can choose whether you would like to cancel the flight completely (the costs are displayed directly for flights operated by the Lufthansa Group, Eurowings and all other airlines [with the exception of low-cost carriers such as EasyJet or Ryanair]) or whether you would like to make a rebooking. 

If you want to rebook, please enter all the relevant data, so we can let you know if rebooking is possible and how much it will cost. 

Depending on the airline booked, your request will be sent to Support and processed immediately or processed directly by the system, when you click on "Submit Change".

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