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How to cancel a train booking?

If you want to cancel a train journey, please note the cancellation conditions of Deutsche Bahn.

  • Super Sparpreis (Super Saver Fare) = non-refundable and non-exchangeable
  • Sparpreis (Saver Fare) = refundable with a fee; the refund will be issued in the form of a voucher (Redeem DB voucher) valid for 3 years (cancellation is not possible from the day of travel)
  • Flexpreis (Flexible Fare) = refundable and cancellable until the day before the first day of validity; afterward, a fee of 19EUR applies

Cancellation conditions for other ticket types (e.g. Quer-Durchs-Land Ticket, Normalpreis, etc.) can be found in the booking process within the ticket & fare conditions.


If you want to cancel using the L&P system, please follow these steps:

1. Click on CHANGEBildschirmfoto 2023-10-04 um 17.27.04.png

2. A new window will open displaying the refund amount. Now select SUBMIT CHANGE. (DB different)

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-04 um 17.28.08.png

3. By submitting the change, you will complete the process. The tickets will be cancelled, and you will receive a credit automatically.


If the journey is no longer cancellable/refundable, you will receive the following information. The cancellation conditions of Deutsche Bahn apply.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-04 um 17.29.23.png


For more information on cancellations and the terms and conditions of DB, please visit:

Deutsche Bahn Cancellation Conditions

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team:

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1 comment
  • super unclear if the ticket is now canceled or not.


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