Submit a request

Exchange rate from foreign currency to Euro

If receipts in foreign currency are submitted for the settlement of expenses, they are converted into euros at the exchange rate applicable on the day.

The current daily exchange rate is obtained from:


Example: Receipt in foreign currency during input:



Example: Document with submitted foreign currency at the daily exchange rate in Euro




Notes for the created expense receipt regarding foreign currency:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-12-19 um 15.20.06.png

The date stated here is the date of conversion (date of creation of the expense receipt in the system).

Bildschirmfoto 2024-12-19 um 15.21.16.png

The exchange rate stated here is defined as follows:

  • If the "Performance on" date is in the past, then the exchange rate of the "Performance on" date is used.
  • If the "Performance on" date is in the future, the exchange rate of the day the receipt was created is used.


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