Explanation of the accounting overview of Lanes & Planes GmbH
Lanes & Planes GmbH has created a simple and convenient way to integrate travel expenses into your accounting.
Please just follow this description the first or second time, after that it will work intuitively.
Please log in as Travel Assistant, Manager, Read only Administrator, Administrator or Accountant and go to Company Account --> Accounting --> Overview.
In this overview you have the possibility to select further filter settings. You choose whether you want to see individual trips or analyze private expenses.
You can also filter by reimbursement (private or company), receipt type (invoice, credit memo or expense), cost center, reference number or passenger. For example you could display a traveler's private expenses and then view the individual expenses and receipts.
For time restrictions you have the possibility to filter the following time windows: You can choose between the service period (tax point) and/or the entry date. The service period refers to the period when the service (trip) is performed, the entry date refers to the date of the invoice. This means that there may be an invoice that bears the date of December, but the service is not provided until the following year. This is usually the case for flights, see example:
In this example we have chosen the entry date "period December" and moved the service period into the new year. At the bottom of the view you can see all invoices created in December, even if the services are only provided in the following year.
Under "Downloads" you have the possibility to download a CSV file for the selected period and with filters already set, or alternatively you can filter in the CSV file, because all fields, regardless of whether a check mark has been set or not, are displayed in the file.
In addition, you can also download all documents with a ZIP download, depending on the previous filter settings.
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