Invoiced bills are collected by Lanes & Planes at least once a week. Invoices will not be collected until Lanes & Planes receives an invoice for the booked service.
- Hotel booking made on 01 July
- Travel period from 14 to 15 July
- Direct debit on 15 July at the earliest
The final invoice from the hotel is not available until departure.
Depending on the service provider, this may also take up to a few days.
Learn more about outstanding invoices here.
As a Lanes & Planes customer, you have two options to compare the payment collection on your account with the booked invoices:
1) Receive the collective overview
This document includes the payment reference and all important information of the settled bookings.
If you use several invoice profiles in your company and these are created at Lanes & Planes, you will also receive this collective statement for all other invoice profiles.
If you would like this option, please contact your Lanes & Planes contact person.
2) Accounting overview
In order to offer you the greatest possible transparency, even without e-mail delivery (see point 1), as to which invoices were included in the last collection, the following view offers you assistance.
Proceed as follows:
1. delete all data/filters - especially the "Tax Point (start)" and "Entry Date" should be empty
2. select the payment collection date and click on "Apply filter(s)"
3. click on "Apply Filter(s)"
In the overview, you will now see all bookings that have been billed with the selected "Collecting Payment" date.
Via "Downloads" - "CSV download" you can download a CSV file for the filtered result.
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